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The University of Cambridge and its colleges must divest

It is time for the University and its colleges to listen to their constituent parts and the city and world they exist in. We demand, on behalf of both town and gown, that the University of Cambridge and its non-divested colleges divest their endowment funds immediately.



University and colleges divestment statuses

Worst picks

  1. Clare College - has one of the largest endowments and amounts still invested in fossil fuels
  2. Queens' College - led us and the public to believe that it had fully divested from fossil fuels when it has only partially divested. We had to find this out through a long, slow freedom of information request process
  3. The University of Cambridge - committed to divest... by 2030! 10 more years of ecocide and fossil fuel investment until then (at the time of writing).

Best picks

  1. Pembroke College - promised to fully divest from fossil fuels by 2023
  2. Clare Hall - promised to divest partially from fossil fuels by March 2022 and fully by March 2024

Full divestment ethical ranking

The public evidence used to arrive at this ranking can be found here. Other information has been received privately from some colleges.

Last updated: Friday 7th January 2022

Ethical ranking method

The ranking was calculated by sorting institutions by:

  1. Whether the divestment commitment is within the next five years (already-divested institutions rank more ethically)
  2. How strong the divestment is (i.e. is it full or partial?), with one full divestment outranking two partial divestments
  3. Whether the institution mislead the public on its divestment status
  4. Whether there is commitment to staying divested
  5. Number of categories divested from
  6. Whether divestment happened before we had to demand it (implying evidence of existing morals in private as well as public)
  7. Amount of money left to divest in any area (more money yet to be committed to divestment gives a less ethical ranking)

Have you got information to share with us?

If you have information you'd like to share confidentially or would like to dispute the position of a college, please get in touch at xryouthcambridge@protonmail.com