Schlumberger Out!
the biggest planet-killer you’ve never heard of
You probably haven't heard of them, but Schlumberger - now rebranded as "SLB" - is the biggest oilfield services company in the world. Where there are fossil fuels, you'll find SLB's technology, helping companies like Shell and BP extract the last drops of oil and gas from the ground.
And what's more, the University of Cambridge hosts them on the West Cambridge Site, providing a ready supply of academics to help them continue their planet-killing activities.
XR Cambridge and XR Youth Cambridge are running a campaign of direct action to get Schlumberger out of Cambridge and off the planet. Last year we submitted our open letter when we reached 1,000 signatories - including Sir Mark Rylance and Rowan Williams. Now we want to reach 2,000 signatures to show the University and SLB that we are serious! You can take action now by signing our open letter. Scroll down to read more.
Our campaign demands
Our demands are addressed to the University of Cambridge and SLB. We demand that:
- Cut all ties: University of Cambridge stop collaborating with SLB.
- Kick them out: SLB out of Cambridge.
- Repair the harm: SLB stop profiting off planetary destruction and commit to climate reparations.
You can read our demands in more detail here.
More about SLB
- SLB has deep connections to the University of Cambridge. SLB makes its activities look more legitimate, and constructs a pipeline of engineering talent by funding PhD scholarships, fellowships and a professorship. SLB also runs a research centre on the University's West Cambridge Site, with the land leased by the University until 2053 - three years after the world needs to reach net zero carbon emissions. Read more here.
- SLB is complicit in ecocide. The company boasts that it has "expertise in more than 120 countries". It has developed 36,000 patented technologies for oil and gas extraction, which can be found at the scene of environmental destruction all over the world. Read more here.
- SLB is rotten to the core. It hides its money in tax havens, exploits its workers, and uses global crises to make a quick buck. Not only that, it received the largest ever criminal fine - $233 million - from the USA for sanctions violations, and is currently being sued for allegedly encouraging a culture of sexual harassment. Read more here.
- SLB takes us for fools. The science is clear: fossil fuel industry growth is incompatible with a liveable planet. Instead of listening, SLB is desperately attempting to greenwash business-as-usual for as long as it turns a profit. Read more here.
How are we putting on pressure?
How we always do. We are a people-powered direct action movement, and we will engage in an escalating campaign of non-violent direct action and civil disobedience until our demands are met. You can read about the effectiveness of direct action here.
We have blockaded the entrances to SLB’s research centre on the West Cambridge Site three times, in November 2021, March 2022 and October 2022. The blockades interrupted deliveries to the site, directly disrupting SLB’s work. Other acts of disobedience have included paint actions on university and SLB buildings, and digging up SLB’s monoculture lawn.
We have also staged protests and outreach activities in Cambridge city centre as well as at the SLB site. These actions put public pressure on the University of Cambridge and SLB, while also generally raising awareness. We know it is working – people we speak to are starting to say they have heard of SLB and mention our actions.
What can you do?
- Sign our open letter. We are issuing our demands to University of Cambridge and SLB in an open letter. The more signatories, the greater the impact. View and sign our open letter here.
- Take easy action online. We have put together a number of digital actions which you can easily take from home. Check out the digital actions pack here.
- Get involved in outreach and direct action. We will continue carrying out outreach activities and direct action to mount pressure on the University and SLB to meet our demands. You can see some of our events and actions here on our events page. Email info@xrcambridge.org to find out more.
- Donate to XR Cambridge. We need money to cover the costs of running a campaign - from posters, leaflets, stationery and other equipment to the costs of room hire and Zoom accounts. If you are able to, a financial gift is a great way to support our campaigns. Donate here.