Une lettre ouverte de Schlumberger Out

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Lettre ouverte adressée à l’Université de Cambridge et à Schlumberger
En tant que plus grand fournisseur mondial de services pour l'industrie du pétrole, Schlumberger rend possible l'extraction du pétrole. L'entreprise exerce ses activités dans plus de 120 pays à travers le monde, et possède plus de 36 000 brevets dans le domaine de l'extraction du gaz et du pétrole. Cela signifie que Schlumberger se trouve souvent derrière les coulisses des sociétés gazières et pétrolières dont vous entendez souvent le nom aux actualités [1][2].
Fracturation hydraulique et extraction de sables bitumineux sur des terres non cédées ? C'est la technology Schlumberger qui rend cela possible [3].
L'océan en feu dans les gisements de Pemex, dans le Golfe de Mexico ? C'est Schlumberger, qui a "optimisé" les performances de forage et la supervision des pipelines pour réduire les coûts [4][5][6].
Une crise environnementale et de santé publique depuis plusieurs décennies dans le delta du Niger ? C'est Schlumberger, "éliminant les visites de puits chronophages" pour une compagnie accusée de négligences sérieuses à cause de centaines de marées noires dans la région [7][8][9].
Schlumberger est complice d'immenses destructions écologiques et sociales, partout où l'entreprise fonctionne. En conséquence de ses opérations, Schlumberger partage une responsabilité pour les effets de plus en plus catastrophiques des crises climatiques et écologiques.
L'extraction d'énergie fossile nuit à tout le monde, mais les dommages ne sont pas également répartis. Les personnes et les lieux les plus affectés sont surtout dans des pays qui ont été soumis à la colonisation et à l'exploitation, et dans les diasporas. Pendant ce temps, les technologies qui alimentent ce pillage sont développées par des scientifiques à Cambridge.
Schlumberger opère à Cambridge pour une raison clé : l'Université de Cambridge, et le prestige qui peut être gagné en s'associant avec elle.
Les enchevêtrements de Schlumberger avec l'Université de Cambridge sont parmi les plus étendus dans l'enseignement supérieur au niveau mondial [10]. Schlumberger utilise ces relations pour subventionner et écoblanchir ses activités commerciales. En finançant des bourses de doctorat, des associations et une chaire, Schlumberger rend ses activités plus légitimes et construit une filière de talents en ingénierie [11][12]. Certains des projets financés par des fonds publics dans lesquels Schlumberger est impliqué concernent manifestement l'augmentation de l'extraction de combustibles fossiles. Cela donne à Schlumberger des connaissances et des outils pour faire plus de profit sans assumer le risque financier de la recherche.
En plus de dépenser de l'argent pour maintenir des liens avec l'Université, Schlumberger gère un centre de recherche à University West Cambridge Site, le terrain leur étant loué par l'Université jusqu'en 2053 [13]. Cela permet à Schlumberger de continuer à utiliser Cambridge comme base de recherche sur l'extraction de combustibles fossiles jusqu'à au moins 3 ans après que le monde doit atteindre zéro émission nette de carbone [14].
L'Université de Cambridge a déclaré : "si nous voulons éviter une catastrophe climatique, nous devons réduire considérablement nos émissions, à partir d'aujourd'hui… Nous sommes la dernière génération à pouvoir faire quelque chose contre le changement climatique catastrophique [15]." Pourtant, les actions de l'Université donnent une légitimité au modèle commercial extractiviste de Schlumberger, en "'écoblanchissant" le but de l'entreprise, "extraire jusqu'à la dernière goutte d'efficacité" des puits de pétrole de la Terre [16].
Tant que Schlumberger agit sur le terrain de l'Université, finance ses recherches, et utilise ses étudiants et universitaires comme bassin de recrutement, l'Université est complice de la mort et de la destruction que Schlumberger crée. Cependant, si l'Université coupe ses liens, elle ne laisserait à Schlumberger que peu d'alternatives pouvant lui fournir les mêmes ressources et la même réputation. Au-delà, ça enverrait le message que Schlumberger ne peut plus être toléré. Il s'agit d'une étape importante vers la fin de la permission de Schlumberger d'entraîner des dévastations dans le monde.
1. Couper tous les liens : Université de Cambirdge, arrêtez de collaborer avec Schlumberger
L'Université de Cambridge et ses collèges doivent :
- Cesser toutes les relations financières en cours avec Schlumberger, et tous les liens basés sur des dons passés. S'engager politiquement à refuser tout futur don de leur part, ou accord financier avec eux.
- Mettre fin aux accords et partenariats, où des étudiants et universitaires de l'Université de Cambridge travaillent avec Schlumberger. S'engager politiquement à refuser tous futurs accords et partenariats.
- Fermer le tourniquet qui encourage les étudiants à faire des stages et travailler avec Schlumberger, et qui attribue des postes universitaires à du personnel de Schlumberger. Révoquer tous les postes universitaires et collégiaux attribués à des employés de Schlumberger, et empêcher les employés de Schlumberger de se voir attribuer ces postes à l'avenir.
- Arrêter d'accueillir des représentants de Schlumberger, pendant des salons de l'emploi et tout autre événement de l'Université.
2. Mettez-les dehors : Schlumberger doit quitter Cambridge
Les contrats ne signifient rien face à une crise mondiale. Le droit à vivre sur cette planète doit primer sur les droits de propriété d'une entreprise complice de sa destruction.
L'Université de Cambridge doit :
- Rompre le bail avec Schlumberger, et à la place transformer le Centre de Recherche Schlumberger Gould en centre d'urgence climatique. Grâce à cela, ils doivent offrir une transition juste aux travailleurs, et créer un espace permettant à la communauté locale de renforcer sa résilience face aux effets des crises climatiques et écologiques.
3. Réparer les dommages : Schlumberger doit arrêter de profiter de la destruction de la planète, et doit s'engager à la réparation climatique
Ceux qui ont profité de la création de la crise climatique et écologique doivent s'engager à arrêter les dégâts, et à soutenir les initiatives pour les communautés et les Planet Repairs.
Schlumberger doit :
- Arrêter immédiatement toutes les opérations extractivistes. Les réparations ne peuvent pas commencer tant que les dommages continuent.
- Assurer une transition juste pour ses travailleurs. Cela doit inclure des réparations financières pour les travailleurs qui ont été blessés ou maltraités, et pour les familles des travailleurs tués.
- Veiller à ce que les terres volées et exploitées pour l'exploitation soient restituées aux propriétaires d'origine.
- S'engager à des compensations matérielles et financières dans les lieux où il opère, là où sa technologie a été utilisée et dans les zones les plus touchées par la dégradation climatique et écologique. Cela doit se faire selon les conditions des communautés concernées.
- Reconnaître et reconnaître les dommages commis, y compris l'écocide, le déplacement, et les violations du principe de non-violence du droit international des Nations Unies et de la Charte internationale des droits de l'homme [17][18]. Cela inclut leur contribution aux crimes de Maangamizi en Afrique.
La crise climatique et écologique est enracinée dans l'extractivisme : l'extraction non durable et abusive des ressources naturelles à des fins lucratives. Cette cupidité capitaliste et colonialiste a créé des zones sacrifiées, des zones géographiques qui sont délibérément détruites au nom du pouvoir et du profit [19].
Schlumberger doit contribuer à reconstruire les écosystèmes et les communautés détruites par l'extractivisme. Ce n'est pas la même chose que "des oeuvres de bienfaisance" performatives et paternalistes; les réparations doivent être opérées par les communautés elles-mêmes [20]. Déterminer quelles réparationsont dues sera difficile, et demandera des évaluations détaillées faites en coopération avec les personnes les plus affectées dans chaque cas.
Pour ajouter votre nom, merci de compléter notre formulaire ici.
Les signataires
Les groupes
- Animal Rebellion Cymru
- Animal Rebellion Mid Wales
- Arundel SCATE
- Asamblea Autoconvocada La Pampa por el Ambiente
- Bank on our Future
- Birkbeck Environment Student Society
- Boycott Banks' Destruction
- Bristol Extinction Rebellion Families
- Bristol Youth Strike 4 Climate
- Cambridge Climate Justice Society
- Cambridge Friends of the Earth
- Cambridge Stop The War Coalition
- Cambridge University Cruising Club
- Cambridge University Labour Club
- Cambridge Young Greens
- Chelmer Rising XR Samba
- Chichester Progressives
- Chile Sin Ecocidio
- CleanEarth4Kids.org
- Doctors for Extinction Rebellion
- Efecto Fractal México
- Emma Green Ducks
- Extinction Rebellion Amsterdam
- Extinction Rebellion Antwerp
- Extinction Rebellion Argentina
- Extinction Rebellion Banbury
- Extinction Rebellion Brighton
- Extinction Rebellion Brighton and Sussex Universities
- Extinction Rebellion Bristol
- Extinction Rebellion Buddhists
- Extinction Rebellion Bury St Edmunds
- Extinction Rebellion Calgary
- Extinction Rebellion Cambridge
- Extinction Rebellion Cameroon
- Extinction Rebellion Canterbury
- Extinction Rebellion Chelmsford
- Extinction Rebellion Chesterfield and NE Derbyshire
- Extinction Rebellion Chicago
- Extinction Rebellion Chichester
- Extinction Rebellion Clacton and Colchester
- Extinction Rebellion Delaware
- Extinction Rebellion Downeast Maine
- Extinction Rebellion Dresden
- Extinction Rebellion East Hertfordshire
- Extinction Rebellion Ecuador
- Extinction Rebellion Ely
- Extinction Rebellion Engineers
- Extinction Rebellion Glasgow University
- Extinction Rebellion Grandparents and Elders
- Extinction Rebellion Hackney
- Extinction Rebellion Haringey
- Extinction Rebellion Highlands and Islands
- Extinction Rebellion Huddersfield
- Extinction Rebellion Indonesia
- Extinction Rebellion Ipswich
- Extinction Rebellion Ireland
- Extinction Rebellion Keynsham
- Extinction Rebellion King's Lynn & West Norfolk
- Extinction Rebellion Kingston
- Extinction Rebellion La Pampa
- Extinction Rebellion Lambeth
- Extinction Rebellion Leeds
- Extinction Rebellion Leeds Unis
- Extinction Rebellion Leicester
- Extinction Rebellion Lewisham
- Extinction Rebellion Makassar
- Extinction Rebellion Meratus (Indonesia)
- Extinction Rebellion Midlands
- Extinction Rebellion Milton Keynes
- Extinction Rebellion Muswell Hill
- Extinction Rebellion NI
- Extinction Rebellion North East and Cumbria
- Extinction Rebellion North Hertfordshire
- Extinction Rebellion Norwich
- Extinction Rebellion Oxford
- Extinction Rebellion Peterborough
- Extinction Rébellion Québec
- Extinction Rebellion Rochdale
- Extinction Rebellion Scientists
- Extinction Rebellion Scotland
- Extinction Rebellion Sheffield
- Extinction Rebellion Shrewsbury
- Extinction Rebellion Strasbourg
- Extinction Rebellion Suffolk Sunrise
- Extinction Rebellion Tamworth & Lichfield
- Extinction Rebellion Teesside
- Extinction Rebellion Thetford
- Extinction Rebellion Tower Hamlets
- Extinction Rebellion Uganda
- Extinction Rebellion University NYC
- Extinction Rebellion University of East Anglia
- Extinction Rebellion Utrecht
- Extinction Rebellion Ventnor
- Extinction Rebellion Waltham Forest
- Extinction Rebellion Wandsworth
- Extinction Rebellion Waverley and Borders
- Extinction Rebellion Wellingborough
- Extinction Rebellion Westside Naarm/Melbourne
- Extinction Rebellion Wimborne
- Extinction Rebellion Witney
- Extinction Rebellion Worthing
- Extinction Rebellion Wyre Forest
- Extinction Rebellion Youth Alabama
- Extinction Rebellion Youth Boston
- Extinction Rebellion Youth Bristol
- Extinction Rebellion Youth Cambridge
- Extinction Rebellion Youth New York
- Extinction Rebellion Youth North London
- Extinction Rebellion Youth Oxfordshire
- Extinction Rebellion Youth Sheffield
- Extinction Rebellion Youth Solidarity
- Extinction Rebellion Youth Uganda
- Extinction Rebellion Youth UK
- Extinction Rebellion Youth Victoria
- Extinction Rebellion Zaragoza
- Fossil Free 5
- Fossil Fuel Divest Harvard
- Fossil Free Landshut
- Fossil Free London
- Free West Papua Campaign
- Fridays for Future Australia
- Fridays For Future Greta Thunberg Facebook group
- Global Justice Now
- Global Justice Stirling
- Haddenham Conservation Society
- Haddenham Wildlife Friendly Village
- Haringey Clean Air Group
- Homerton College Environmental Society
- Kill The Bill Chichester
- Knitting Nannas Balonne Loop
- Last Generation Youth Global
- Last Generation Youth UK & Ireland
- Leeds Climate Table
- Lego Rebellion
- Little Blue Dot
- Money Rebellion
- Norfolk COP26 Coalition
- North Northants Green Party
- Occupy Biden
- On the edge Cottenham
- On the Verge Ely and villages
- OCEAN: Otway Climate Emergency Action Network
- Oxford Climate Justice Campaign
- Parents For Future Global
- Peterborough in Transition
- People & Planet
- Phulbari Solidarity Action Group
- Plastics Rebellion
- Rebelión o Extinción GBA Oeste
- Reducing Inequality & Inclusion Rights Working Group of YOUNGO
- Safe Landing
- Scientists for XR, Cambridge
- S.O.S from the Kids
- South Cambs Hunt Sabs
- Stop HS2 Back Office
- Suffolk Coastal Green Party
- Sustainable Woodstock
- The Jubilee Movement
- The RYSE
- UK Youth Climate Coalition
- Vote Earth Now
- Your Planet Saving Ideas
- Youth Climate Association Northern Ireland
- Youth Climate Swarm
- Youth Climate Swarm Edinburgh
Les personnes
- A. Chisholm, Prospective Student
- A Dade
- A.G., Healthcare professional
- A.Gatford, Local Resident
- A Hare, local resident
- A.J. Crigee, local resident
- Abbie Mead, Concerned member of public
- Abby Pallett Smith, prospective student
- Abi Brown, Cam student
- Abigail Nagilla, Prospective Student
- Abigail Pearson, Cambridge Uni staff
- Adam Bailey, Concerned local(ish)
- Adam Durrant, Ethical and Environmental Officer on St Catharine's College JCR
- Adele, Concerned member of the public
- Adelheid Russenberger, University Alumnus
- Agnesa Sema, prospective student
- Agota Solyomi, Curriculum Manager, Open University
- Ahmed, prospective student
- Aidam Drew, Concerned member of the public
- Aidan Atkinson, Student
- Aidan Baker, local resident
- Aidan Goddard, prospective student
- Aimee, Local resident
- Akrit Agarwal, Uni student
- Akseli Kuukkanen, prospective student
- Alan Wakefield, concerned member of the public
- Alastair Clarkson, parent of student
- Alessandra, local resident
- Alessandra Belardinal, prospective student
- Alex Cairns, Concerned member of the public
- Alex Kantaris, citizen
- Alex Clark, concerned member of public
- Alex Colesmith, Student
- Alex D’Anns, Concerned member of public
- Alex Deacon, Concerned Citizen
- Alex Jelly, Volunteer
- Alex Mays, Breakthrough Party Leader
- Alex Peteash, IT Engineer
- Alex Siu, Retired
- Alex Street, Public
- Alex Summerhill, Cambridge Uni student
- Alex Vardill, University student
- Alexander Byrne, University student
- Alexander Penson, Biologist
- Alexandra Shaw, University student
- Alexandria Pachico, member of public
- Alfie Watson, Concerned member of public
- Ali Al Temamey, prospective student
- Ali Glennue, Concerned member of the public
- Ali Smith, writer
- Alice Abraham, prospective student
- Alice Conolly, A young person who's very scared about climate breakdown
- Alice Fletcher-Etherington, University of Cambridge alumna
- Alice Hallsworth, concerned member of the public
- Alice Hehir, Alumnus
- Alice Lynch, Concerned member of the public
- Alice Lovell, Concerned former local resident
- Alice Reid, Concerned member of the public
- Alice Taylor, Concerned member of the public
- Alice Wickenden, Cambridge alum scared for our future
- Alice Wood, university student
- Alima Adams, concerned member of the public
- Dr Alison Blair, Totally terrified for the future
- Alison Gale, University graduate
- Alison Seymour, University of Cambridge student
- Alistair Fetta, Student
- Aliya C., prospective student
- Alma Vink, University student
- Aly Anderson, Concerned local resident
- Amanda Morse, Concerned member of the public
- Amanda Roberts, Local resident
- Amanda Stanley, Concerned member of public
- Amelia Astill Dunseith, Student
- Amelia Daniels, Concerned member of the public
- Amelia Dubin, prospective student
- Amelia Halls, local resident
- Amelia Rothwell, Concerned member of the public
- Amelie Harding, College Student
- Amil T, prospective student
- Amna Orais, visitor
- Amy, Resident
- Amy Cotterell, Concerned member of public
- Amy Holmes, concerned member of the public
- Amy McMahon, visiting student
- Amy Ryalls, prospective student
- Ana, prospective student
- Dr. Anaïs Tilquin, former researcher in ecology
- Andrea Costa, PhD student at UCL, living in Cambridge
- Andrew, Student
- Dr Andrew Boswell, Independent Scientist & Consultant, Climate Emergency Planning and Policy
- Andrew Capsin, retired
- Andrew Field
- Andrew Grainger, Concerned member of the public
- Andrew Harmsworth, Teacher (Science)
- Andrew Martin
- Andrew Orgee, member of the public
- Andrew Zurcher, Academic, Queens' College, Cambridge
- Andy Corney, Climate Activist
- Angela Ditchfield, Cambridge Graduate
- Angus Drew, Concerned member of the public
- Anihit M, prospective student
- Anita Chamberlain, Retired
- Anita Sharma, prospective student
- Anjah Gounden, University of Cambridge student
- Ann Barwick, concerned member of the public
- Ann Rapp
- Anna Bunten, Concerned member of the public
- Anna Conolly, Nurse, local resident
- Anna Fironda, prospective student
- Anna Haas, Local resident
- Anna Lycett, Concerned member of the public
- Anna McArthur, Local resident and extremely concerned member of the public
- Anna McIvor, University alumna
- Anna Pierre, Prospective Student
- Anna Schooneveld, Cambridge University alumna
- Anna-Maria Kotulski, Member of the public
- Annabel James, prospective student
- Annabel Worth, Student
- Annalise Ridlow, citizen
- Dr Anne Alexander, Senior Research Associate, University of Cambridge and Rep, Cambridge UCU
- Anne Blair-Vincz, Concerned member of the public
- Anne Coates, citizen very concerned about the climate crisis
- Anne Maclachlan, University of Cambridge alumna
- Anne Wash, Concerned member of the public
- Anne White, Specialist Cardiothoracic Nurse
- Anne-Laure Lacour, University staff
- Anni Roth Hjermann, student
- Annie Hulme, mother of prospective student
- Annie Lane, Concerned member of the public
- Anthea Jones, Past university student
- Anton Gijsen, Member of the public
- Anton Theunynck, alum
- Antoni, person
- Antonio Di mascio, Local resident
- Anuk, prospective student
- Aquayemi-Claude Garnett Akinsanya, Student & Activist in reducing Inequality and Quality education
- Árainn Hawker, Public
- Aravinda Rathnayake, resident
- Arthur Adams, prospective student
- Dr Arun Aggarwal, retired GP, alumnus Kings 1978-81
- Astra Carter-Marsh, local resident
- Audrey Plyler, Cambridge University alumnus, local resident
- Aymena Hindsbar-Sedley, prospective student
- B.Damiean, prospective student
- Barnaby Swonnell, Concerned member of the public
- Bays, Retired former CEO and consultant
- Beate Pauschmann, Local resident, concerned member of the public
- Bee Barnett, prospective student
- Bella Biddle, Local resident, University student
- Bella Shorrack, University of Cambridge student
- Ben, local resident
- Ben Anderson, Concerned member of the public
- Ben Barnes, Local resident
- Ben Dalitz, Cambridge SU Officer
- Ben Francis, University student
- Ben Gbasamon, Prospective Student
- Ben Greig, Cambridge resident
- Ben Harding, Cambridge Student
- Ben Horton, local resident
- Ben Janoff, concerned member of the public
- Ben Turner, Prospective Student
- Ben See, Concerned member of public
- Ben Voss, member of the public
- Ben Webb, Cambridge University alum, local resident
- Ben Young, Local resident
- Benito Juarez, Concerned member of the public
- Benjamin Mulholland, Student
- Berenice Westwood, frequent visitor
- Bernard Kelly, Concerned member of the public
- Berry Mulligan, local resident
- Beth Lord, Student
- Beth Rugman, prospective student
- Bethany Hall, I'm concerned for the planet and the future
- Betty Brown, visiting student
- Beverly Opori-Ninco, prospective student
- Bill McGuire, Professor of Geophysical & Climate Hazards, UCL
- Bill McKibben, Founder of 350.org
- Bogdan Rajkov, Trinity student
- Brad George, local resident
- Brad Homewood, Concerned member of the public
- Brad Richecoeur, member of public
- Bren Ochoa, University alum
- Brenain Sheppard, prospective student
- Brenda Choi, Student
- Brendan Sparks, Concerned member of the public
- Brittany Capps, Administrator
- Bronte Evans Rayward, Cambridge PhD Student
- Bronwen Davies, Auntie of student
- Bruce Mitchell
- C. Clough, member of the public
- C Derenty, local resident/concerned member of the public
- C Parsons, local resident
- C. Taylor, retired
- C White, concerned citizen
- Cameron Sayers, Student
- Cara Wilde, prospective student
- Caren Stubbington, local resident and parent of 2
- Carin Nutt, Retired, Hater of fracking
- Carly Juneau, Local resident, concerned member of the public
- Caroline Amory, Local resident
- Caroline Arthur, Alumna
- Caroline Ford, Concerned member of Parents for Future, Sweden
- Caroline Kienast von Einem, University student
- Caroline Roaf, Alumnus
- Dr Caroline Vincent, Scientist, Ex Cambridge post doc
- Carolyn Timberlake, concerned member of the public
- Carrie Dodd, Member of the public
- Cassus Abood, student, Perse Upper
- Cat Gulliver, Member of public
- Cat Harmano, concerned for the future of my 8 year old daughter
- Cate Bailey, Doctor and concerned member of the public
- Caterina Sardoni, Visitor
- Catherine, Local resident
- Catherine Irvine, University Alum
- Catherine Lee, Local resident, concerned member of the public
- Catherine Sunderland, local resident
- Cathy Allen, concerned member of public
- Cathy Dunbar, Now we must stop extracting fossil fuels so change your game. You have the power.
- Cathy Groves, concerned member of the public
- Cathy Mason, University member
- Catia
- Ceara Harper, Biological Science PhD student
- Cee MacDonald, former local resident
- Ceil, prospective student
- Celia Roberts, Local resident
- Cerys Minty, student, Cambridge University
- Charles Conolly, Engineer in Cambridge
- Charlie Barty-King, University student and staff
- Dr Charlie Gardner, Earth scientist
- Charlotte, Env Sci student
- Charlotte Akers, Alum
- Charlotte Bain, Local resident
- Charlotte Boggon, University Student
- Charlotte Dowson, Local resident
- Charlotte Kirin, Concerned member of the public
- Charlotte McGuire, University student
- Cherry Butler, prospective student
- Chloe Anderson, Concerned member of the public
- Chloe Naldrett, Alumnus
- Chloe Richardson, Alum and concerned member of the public
- Chris Carter, local greengrocer concerned about food security
- Chris Crickmar, Local resident
- Chris Fairless, Alumnus
- Chris Doubleday, Cambridge resident and University alumnus
- Chris Ford, Local resident, nursery school assistant and father to 2 sons
- Chris Hanson, Local resident
- Chris Howell, Concerned member of the public
- Chris Lewis-Farley, Concerned member of the public
- Chris Newton, Student
- Chris Sandbrook, University staff
- Chris Young, Local resident
- Chrissy Kelly, Concerned member of public
- Christian Zauner FRSA, Founding Father of ParentsForFuture Global, Member of Scientists For Future Austria, Director & Trustee of ClimateScience.org
- Christiane Meckseper, Local resident and concerned member of public
- Christina Cronin-Vejar, concerned member of the public
- Christina Lyncih, Local resident
- Christine Outhwaite, Protect our world
- Christine Pettengell, Local resident
- Dr. Christoph Zöckler, local resident
- Christophe Bourges, Scientist and local resident
- Christopher Fairless, Cambridge Alumnus
- Cian Jones, University student
- Claire Bascombe, Concerned member of the public
- Claire Gronow, Concerned member of the public
- Claire Miles, Concerned member of public
- Claire Wedderman, Concerned member of the public
- Clara Grosz, Student
- Clara Golinsmith, concerned member of the public
- Clara Panozzo, University of Cambridge staff
- Clare, just a person
- Clare Sansom, Local resident
- Claude Fourcroy, Concerned member of the public
- Clio Lloyd-Jacob, Local resident
- Clive Teague, Retired Chartered Structural Engineer
- Colette Khan, Local resident
- Colin Rodgers, Alum
- Colin Stroud, Resident
- Connie Baxter, University student
- Connor O'Brien, Prospective Student
- Connor Newson, Concerned member of the public
- Conor Devine, citizen
- Copeland, Prospective student
- Corentin Cadiou, Researcher at University College London, concerned member of the public
- Cree Tilbury, Concerned member of the public
- Cressie Gethin, University student
- Cristina Parker, Concerned member of the public
- Cyril Bailey, local resident
- D Lewis, Concerned member of public
- Daisy Cooper, University student
- Daisy Freeman, University student
- Daisy Goodwin, visitor
- Damaris Vigar, Concerned member of the public
- Damien Hazell, Ely resident
- Damien McGovern, Concerned member of the public
- Dan Beckmann, Concerned member of the public, previously worked near Schlumberger
- Dan Erwig, Student
- Dan Game, Project Manager
- Dan Lovell, Former local resident
- Dani Esposito
- Daniel Atton Beckmann, Concerned ex-cambridge resident
- Daniel Dutelle, concerned member of the public
- Daniel Glennon, Concerned member of the public
- Daniel Romero, Industrial engineer
- Daniel Twine, Student
- Daniela
- Daniela Castiblanco, researcher
- Daniele Gibney, Local resident
- Darragh Murphy, University employee; local resident
- Darrian
- Darryl Nantais, Concerned grandfather
- Dave Cohen, Member of public
- Dave Fox, University alumnus
- Dave More, Member of the public
- David Ashton, Cambridge Alumnus
- David Callow, Concerned member of the public
- Dr David Carter, King's Alumnus, 1979
- David Gledhill, environmental researcher
- David Hicks, concerned member of the public
- David Inward, concerned member of the public
- David Kempton, Alum
- David Mackintosh, parent of prospective student
- David Middleton, Concerned grandfather
- David Owen, local resident
- David Ross, Local resident
- David SmartKnight, Concerned member of public
- David Stokes, Concerned public
- David Stoughton, Concerned local resident
- David Taylor, local resident
- David V. Bowen, University alumnus, St. Johns College, 1963
- Dawn, Concerned member of the public
- Dean Hoshan, prospective student
- Deane Banning, Concerned member of the public
- Debbie Hall, Concerned local resident and ex university employee
- Deborah Ehrenberg, Concerned member of the public
- Dee Hall, Local resident
- Deidre Boodoosingh, University student
- Derek Bascombe, Concerned member of the public
- Derek Langley, Terrified grandparent
- Derolina, prospective student
- Dez Dell, North Northants Green Party Councillor
- Diana Probst, Research Assistant
- Diane Kerry, Marketing
- Diane McMenamin, Concerned member of public
- Dianne Sandler, Concerned member of the public
- Diner Ismail, Concerned member of the public
- Dinesh, parent of a prospective student
- Dino Kadich, PhD Student, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
- Dmitri Barsoukov, Concerned member of the public
- Donald Bell, Local resident
- Dorian, ex student
- Dorothy Griggs, Terrified Great-grand parent
- Dorothy Robertson, concerned member of the public
- Dwayne K, local concerned resident
- Dylan Morris, prospective student
- E.F., Local resident
- E. Hearn, prospective student
- E m Smail, Human
- E Shephard, prospective student
- EA May, local resident
- Edgar Mundy, Public
- Edie, Alum
- Eduardo Ferreiro, visitor to Cambridge
- Edward Hackerott, public
- Edward Xu, University of Cambridge student
- Eila Craig, Student
- El Litten, Member of the public
- Ela Gentle, prospective student
- Elias Kourchi, prospective student
- Elinor Hurry, prospective student
- Elisa de Padua, University of Cambridge PhD student
- Eliza Hawkins, Cambridge Uni student
- Eliza John, prospective student
- Eliza Jones, Local resident
- Elizabeth Hallworth, Concerned member of public
- Elizabeth Haresnape, University staff
- Elizabeth May, Member of public
- Ella, Family member of university student
- Ella Muir, University student
- Elle, Concerned member of public / part of XRY Oxford
- Ellen Ramsay, member of public
- Ellie, Concerned member of public
- Ellie Bottrell
- Ellie Doran, University Student
- Ellie Stirk, Alum
- Elliott Day, Student
- Elliott Greer, Sixth Form Student
- Ellisif Wasmuth, Cambridge University Alumna
- Elmārs Baltiņš, Concerned member of the public
- Elorm, Student
- Elspeth Mathau, University Student
- Emeline Rougeaux, Concerned member of the public
- Emile Gaston, Local resident
- Emilia Whitehead, University Student
- Emilie Canova, University PhD student
- Emily, prospective student
- Emily Ashton, University alumna
- Emily Hunt, Concerned member of the public
- Emily Mattiusi, Cambridge resident
- Emily Nethsingha, Local resident
- Dr Emily Spry, Member of the Public
- Emma Berry, local resident
- Emma Butler Smith, Concerned public
- Emma Cooper, XR Midlands
- Emma Copham, University alum and local resident
- Emma Dann, Graduate student at CamUni
- Dr Emma Garnett, University of Cambridge Sustainablilty Research Fellow
- Emma Linford, Local resident
- Emma Rogerson, local resident
- Emma Smith, Local resident
- Emma Thornthwaite, Care worker
- Emma Williams, concerned member of the public and professional humanitarian aid worker
- Emily Winslow Stark, Resident, tutor at ICE
- Emmanuel Rosert, student
- Erica Lewis, Member of public
- Erin Brown, local resident
- Erin Tan, University student
- Ester-Grace, prospective student
- Esther Moreton, Outraged citizen
- Etta, Student
- Eva Lindsay, Member of public
- Evan Wroe, PhD Student, Queens' College Cambridge
- Eve Blain, Student at Queens' College, Co-Chair of Cambridge University Labour Club, Co-Chair of Cambridge SU Ethical Affairs Campaign
- Evie Findlay, Prospective University Student
- Ezra Tunley, prospective student
- Fatema Tasnim, Cambridge student
- Fatima Hilal, prospective student
- Federico Flego, local resident
- Felix B., Student
- Felix Barbour, St Catharine's College, Cambridge alum
- Fennel Taylor, University Student
- Fergus Austin, Local resident and University alumnus
- Fernanda A. Poblete Cofré
- Finn Oldfield, Student
- Fiona Gillespie, VERY concerned member of the public
- Fiona Quekett, Concerned member of the public
- Fleur Rogerson, prospective student
- Flora Griffin, University alumna, local resident
- Florence Gherardi, University of Cambridge student
- Florian S., concerned member of the public
- Florina Rosusirbu, Concerned young mom
- Forrest Lawrence, Concerned member of the public
- Frances Brown, Concerned member of public
- Francesca Crevas, prospective student
- Francesca Raphaely Ingold, University alumna and local resident
- Francese Perez Pociello, student
- Franziska Poike, Animator from Karlsruhe, Germany
- Freddie Beresford, prospective student
- Freddie Lindsey-Coombs, Student
- Freya Marlow, prospective student
- Freya Neighbour, Concerned member of the public
- Freya Tischkowitz, incoming Cambridge student
- G. Don, Cambridge student
- Gabrielle Smith, Concerned member of the public
- Gareth Smith, Public
- Gary Oswell, Parent and Grandparent
- Gehuil Floth, Cambridge student
- Gemma Canning, local resident
- Genevieve Badia-Aylin, Student
- Geoffrey Bowman, Concerned member of the public
- Geoffrey Khan, University professor
- George, concerned young person
- George Anderson, Alumni/Product Manager @ Amazon
- George Burch, 17 year old inheriting a burning planet
- George Etherington, Concerned member of the public
- George Hibberd, University of Reading Graduate, Airline Pilot
- Georgi Kocharyan, University Student
- Georgia Adams, Student
- Giacomo Prideaux, student
- Gill Slater, Town Planner
- Gill Spencer, Concerned local resident
- Gillian Sturdy, parent
- Gilly Chegwyn, Climate concerned member of the public, we have to stop using fossil fuels please redirect your efforts to renewables ASAP for the sake of your children and grandchildren
- Ginny Farrer, local resident
- Ginny Waters, concerned member of the public
- Glenn Lyons, Alumnus
- Glynis Young, Local resident
- Godric Wilkie, Resident of Cambridge
- Grace, Member of public
- Grace Blackshaw, University of Cambridge student
- Grace Read, Citizen
- Graham Couchman, alum
- Guillaumie Guilhaud, local resident
- Guinevere Wearne, Concerned member of the public
- Gunilla, concerned member of the public
- Gwendolen Sellers, Cambridge University Student
- Gwynnevere Suter, Undergraduate student
- Gyorgy Denes, Cambridge Uni Alumnus
- H Beckett, Concerned member of the public
- Mrs H Parker, concerned member of the public
- Hadrian, worried youth
- Hamid Moradi, Member of public
- Hannah Clark, visiting student
- Hannah Charlotte Copley, PhD Student & Staff member of University, Cambridge City Cllr (Green Party)
- Hannah Dalgleish, Local resident
- Hannah Harrison, University of Cambridge student
- Hannah Hoechner, Concerned member of the public
- Hannah Stanton, Concerned member of the public
- Hannah Tilk, prospective student
- Hanna Toropova, local resident
- Hannah Woodhouse, Company Director / concerned citizen
- Har Hari Kaur, The University, as an elite educational establishment needs to be leading the way into a safe, sustainable future for the benefit of their students and the future children of those students. We demand more from them at this crucial time.
- Harriet Pettifer, visitor
- Harry Biscoe, citizen
- Harry Dixon-Spain, Student
- Harry Hargreaves, prospective student
- Harry McCarthy, Fellow, Jesus College
- Harry Oakes, prospective student
- Harvey Brown, Student at Jesus College, SU Ethical Affairs Campaign
- Hassan Mohammed, prospective student
- Hassan Raja, Cambrige University Alumnus
- Hattie Morahan, Alum
- Hazel McCambridge, Climate concerned member of the public
- Heather Cooper, Member of the public, niece and nephew were Cambs students
- Heather Sheppard, Concerned member of the public
- Helen Bridgeman, Concerned member of the public
- Helen Gillespie, resident
- Helen Goodman, concerned member of the public
- Helen Gray, MPhil Queens’ College Cambridge 1989
- Helen Martino, Local resident
- Helen Mulligan, local resident
- Helen Nicol, Concerned member of the public
- Helen Penny, Concerned member of public
- Helen Scott-Daniels, PGCE Homerton College
- Helen Skilton, Science Teacher
- Hellen Staula Oromo, Concerned member of the public
- Helen Troughton, Alumnus and local resident
- Helen Waterhouse, Concerned member of the public
- Helen Wilkinson, Concerned member of the public
- Helena Echlin, Concerned citizen
- Helena Kruder, University student
- Hero Tardrew, Concerned local resident
- Hilary, parent of prospective student
- Hilary Evans, Retired Headteacher
- Hilary Price, concerned member of the public
- Hilary Werker, Retired nhs nurse, ex Cambridge resident
- Hivron Dogan, prospective student
- Holli Saunders, visiting student
- Holly Giles, Concerned member of the public
- Hooda, Local resident
- Hope Baker, prospective student
- Humbal Mora, Uni student
- Iain Webb, Local resident
- Ian Bundschuh, member of the public
- Ian Clark, public
- Ian Cooper, Local resident
- Ian Douglas, public
- Ian White, Local resident
- Dr. Idit Nathan, concerned member of the public
- Ilana Cohen, Exchange Student
- Ioana Nicoara, prospective student
- Iona Thomson, Concerned citizen
- Iona Warne, Cambridge Uni student
- Isabel Bunce, alum
- Isabelle Thomas, Chair of the Cambridge Young Greens and University student
- Isha Cordes, Cambridge University Alum
- Isobel Russell, Concerned member of the public
- Isodora Mill, prospective student
- J. Adami, visitor
- J Farquhar, Concerned member of the public
- J Jackson, student
- J Levine, prospective student
- J Ogden, local resident, angry pensioner
- J. Taylor, prospective student
- Jack Baynes, Very concerned Member of public
- Jack Gill, student
- Jack Heath, Student
- Jack Nelson, prospective student
- Jack O'Brien, Prospective Student
- Jack Wimmer, Local resident
- Jacky, Concerned member of public
- Jacob Harris, Local resident
- Jacqueline Jane Gillman, member of the public
- Jacqueline Hannigan, ex resident, concerned member of the public
- Jacqueline Whitmore, Local resident
- Jago Howard Gannicliffe Westaway, History student at St. Catharine's College
- Jake Kerry, HGV driver
- Jakob Reid, prospective student
- Prof James Bullock, Academic
- James Drew, Concerned member of the public
- James Dyke, Associate Professor
- James Harvey, Concerned member of the public
- James Knapp, Parent, aware fossil fuel use is ruining life on Earth
- James Lester, Student
- James Stewart, Citizen who wants a world to leave to the coming generations
- James Tarlton, Concerned member of the public
- James Veale, Local resident and University alum
- Jamie Barrett, University student
- Jamie Goodland, Alum Trinity College
- Dr Jamie Russell, Concerned member of the public
- Jan, Local resident
- Jan Ayton, Concerned member of the public
- Jan Nanor, Concerned member of the public
- Jan-Louis Wiedmann, Student (UM)
- Jane Goodland, Alum
- Jane Heal, Retired university teacher
- Jane Mansfield, very concerned grandparent
- Jane Rogers, Cambridge University Alumna
- Jane Touil, Concerned member of the public
- Jane Wingfield, Concerned mother and grandmother
- Janet Bojan, Concerned member of the public
- Janet Livingstone, Concerned member of the public
- Janet Taylor, resident
- Janice Douglas, public
- Janina Forsyth, Student
- Janko Vrcek, Cambridge student
- Jannie Brightman, Local resident
- Jason Burrows, Post Grad
- Jason Scott-Warren, academic, Faculty of English
- Jathuisha Sasilloren, visitor
- Javier Zuniba, Speaker
- Jean Hatton, Concerned member of the public
- Jean McNeil, Concerned member of public
- Jean Robertson, Local resident and concerned member of society
- JEM, University staff, concerned member of the public and parent
- Jennie Wason, Concerned member of the public
- Ms Jennifer Connatty, concerned member of the public
- Jennifer McCarthy, concerned member of the public
- Jenny Hardacre, Local resident
- Jenny Langley, Uni Alumni and local resident
- Jérémie Klein
- Jasmin Upton, concerned member of the public
- Jean Blaylock
- Jelly Moring, Concerned member of the public
- Jemma Forster, Cambridge Uni student
- Jen Hall, Concerned member of public
- Jenny Hardacre, Local resident
- Jeremy Caddick, College Dean
- Jess Molyneaux, student
- Jessica Martins, prospective student
- Jessica Simpson-Nicholl, Concerned members of the public
- Jessica Stewart, local resident
- Jessica Upton, Concerned member of the public
- Jessie Wells, Concerned member of the public
- Jethro Buck, Local resident
- Jethro Gauld, Ecologist, PhD Student at UEA and local resident
- Jill Eastland, Local resident
- Jill Oakes, Concerned member of the public
- Jill Winterton, Petrified grandparent
- Jo Archer, Extremely concerned member of the public
- Jo Bradley, Ex Cambridge University employee, local resident
- Jo Bucklow, Concerned and outraged member of the public
- Jo Dilley, Nurse
- Jo Mackintosh, parent of prospective student
- Jo Murphy, Concerned member of public
- Joan Robertson, Concerned member of the public
- Joanna Bury, Lawyer
- Joanna Watterson, Student
- Jodi Baxter, Alum
- Jodie Winnell, Concerned member of public
- Joel Instone, Concerned member of public, ties to Cambridge
- Joel Penrose, Student
- Joey Bream, Student at Clare
- John, Student
- John Bland, Concerned member of the public
- Dr John Cummings, Concerned UK citizen
- John Gavin Thomas Fry, Teacher/teacher trainer
- John Gibson, student
- John Kent, Engineer
- John O'Brien, parent of a prospective student
- John Peck, Local Resident very concerned about climate breakdown and the University’s lack of action
- John Ramsden, University Graduate
- Jon Pawley, Alum
- Jonah Spindel, Concerned member of the public
- Jonathan Aldous, University contractor
- Jonathan Valenitne, concerned member of the public
- Jonny Aldous, Local resident, father, local businessman
- Jordan Griggs, Civil servant/local resident
- Joseph Lambert, Local resident
- Joseph Mishan, Buddhist activist
- Josephine Seaton, Alum
- Josh, Local Resident
- Josh Hughes, Concerned member of the public
- Josh Mazas, Student (Kings)
- Joshua Baldwin, visitor
- Josie Carrigg, Climate activist
- Josie L., prospective student
- Josie Lee, citizen
- Joy Magezis, Local resident
- Judith Lewis, Cambridge resident
- Judith Rattenbury, Retired music publisher
- Judy Judkins, Climate activist
- Julia Erdelmann, Student
- Julia Guerrein, University student
- Prof. Julia Steinberger, Climate expert
- Juliana Harrison, University student
- Julie Hermann, Concerned member of the public
- Julie Wakefield, alumna
- Julie Wyard, Alum Homerton College
- Juliet Carter, Concerned citizen
- Juliet Nolan, Concerned member of the public
- Juliet Snell, Local Resident and business owner
- Dr Juliette Brown
- Junayd Ul Islam, Local resident
- K. Gibson, parent
- K. Michael Weaver, I want my grandchild to arrive in a world that has a future
- K Nuttall, local resident/concerned re all our futures
- Kai Hollingsworth, Barrister
- Kalyan Mitra, Final year medical student
- Kammy, Post grad academic
- Dr Kara Laing, Concerned member of the public
- Karen Abraham, prospective student
- Karen Curless, Member of the public
- Karen Evans, concerned local resident
- Karen Lugg, Retired midwife
- Karina Edwards, member of the public
- Kate Benson, Uni student Newcastle
- Kate Bradbury, Member of the public
- Kate Brockie, PhD student
- Kate Crane, Local resident and concerned citizen
- Kate Howlin, Concerned educator
- Kate Watson, Concerned member of the public
- Katherine Rawlings
- Kathleen Higgins, mummy of prospective student
- Kathryn Backhouse, Concerned member of the public
- Katie Aldridge, Member of public
- Katie Gaster, Member of the public
- Katie Matthews, Local resident
- Katie Mewawalla, visitor
- Katie Thacker, University student
- Katie Williams, Alumna and Cambridge resident
- Katja Ruda, University student
- Katy Salmon, University of Cambridge alumna
- Kavitha Ravi, member of the public
- Kay Goodridge, Local resident
- Kay Wagland, Member of the public
- Kaylee Alden, Educator
- Keira Landew, prospective student
- Keith Boyle, Scientist
- Kelly Jacobs, concerned resident
- Kev Colbags, visitor
- Kevin Davies, Concerned member of the public
- Kevin Hand, Ecologist
- Kevin Tarn, Member of the public
- Ken Huggins, Concerned citizen
- Keval Gandhi, Student of University
- Kezhe Temir, University student
- Kier Alexander Mustoe
- Dr. Kim Ashton, Affiliated Lecturer, Faculty of Music; Bye-fellow, Fitzwilliam College
- Kim Holmes, citizen
- Kira Litchfield, Concerned Citizen
- Kirsten Lavers, resident
- Kirstin Fraser, prospective student
- Kirsty Logan, Teacher of several alumni
- Kirsty Mackinlay
- Kit Heyam, Alum (Homerton, 2012)
- Kitty, Student
- Kitty Goodridge, Student
- Kirsten Fowler, visiting student
- L Dawson, Employed in Cambridge
- L Goldman, concerned member of the public
- L Hurley, local resident
- L Lachett, prospective student
- L Thomas, resident, work in climate litigation
- La Pethick, Concerned member of the public
- Lai Xin Ni, concerned member of the public
- Lara, Member of the public
- Lara Cooke, potential student
- Lara Grew, Local Resident
- Laresa Kosloff, University Lecturer
- Laura Clapham, University student
- Laura Fellows, Resident of Planet Earth, concerned aunt, wanting a safe future for my nieces & nephews
- Laura Labno, Healthcare Assistant
- Laura Lock, Student
- Laura Mulley, Extremely concerned member of the public
- Laura O'Brien, local resident
- Laure-Alizee Le Lannou, University Student
- Lauren Elizabeth Orgee-Gillman, citizen
- Laurie Higby, My son was living and working in Cambridge and their two sons (my grandsons) were born there!
- Leaha Fryer, Concerned member of the public
- Leanne Brummell, Concerned member of the public from Australian gasfield region
- Lee Grieveson, Local resident
- Lee Phillips, University assistant staff
- Lee Taylor, climate professional
- Leela Keshav, Concerned member of the public
- Leia Speirs, visiting student
- Lena Hannah Dogra, University PhD student
- Lennart Karlsson, Concerned member of the public
- Leo
- Leo Ashton, prospective student
- Leonhard Kehrberger, Cambridge University PhD student
- Les Bell, concerned alumnus
- Les Flack, Concerned member of public
- Lesley Cooke, Local resident
- Lesley Marshall, Citizen of UK
- Lesley Smith, Member of the public
- Leslie Tate, Alum, MA Creative Writing, Goldsmiths, London University; author & retired manager in FEm
- Lewis Jones, Cambridge University Alum (Engineering)
- Leyre Mourn, local resident
- Li, Concerned member of the public
- Liam Beckett, Concerned member of the public
- Liam Campbell, University of Cambridge student
- Lianna Etkind, Alumna, local resident
- Liepa Blandyte, prospective student
- Lilia Mesie, prospective student
- Liliana Walker, University member
- Lilly Gill, prospective student
- Lilly Hill, Concerned member of the public
- Lily Gardner, visiting student
- Lily Greenhough, student
- Lily Horgan, Concerned member of public
- Lily Kirkby, University student
- Lily Stevenson, visitor
- Linda Graham, Climate activist
- Linda Homan, Concerned member of the public
- Linda Nicklin, Concerned parent
- Linda Richardson, Local resident
- Lindsay Eichberger, member of public
- Lisa Blaine, citizen
- Lisa Smith, Member of the public
- Liz Attfield, Concerned member of the public
- Liz Clow, member of the public, parent of prospective student
- Liz McGarry, Concerned member of the public
- Liz Proctor, local resident
- Liz Robinson, local resident
- Liz Rosser, Concerned member of the public
- Liz Wickham, local resident, concerned grandparent
- Lois Bryan-Evans, University student
- Lolly, Concerned member of public
- Lord jaquee, Student
- Lorna Brown, Member of the public
- Lou H, concerned member of the public
- Loui Smith, Student
- Louis, Local resident
- Louis Fisher, University Student
- Louise, local resident and concerned activist
- Louise Bailey, Member of public
- Louisianne Fauchille, Concerned citizen
- Lucero Montserrat Acosta Cholico, Miembro del público preocupado
- Lucille Corby, Concerned member of the public
- Lucy Atkin, University student
- Lucy Forrow, member of the public that does not want myself or others to die from climate change
- Lucy Gabb, University of Cambridge student
- Lucy Lewis Ward, University student
- Lucy Priori, concerned member of the public
- Lucy Stumpf, University Student
- Lucy Sullivan, Receptionist
- Lukas Kenner, Univ Prof
- Luke Berry, Concerned member of the public
- Luke Warren, University Student
- Lydia Saskia
- Lynda Burchell, Concerned Cambridge resident
- Lynn Bjerke, cancer research scientist
- Lynsey Stafford, Local resident
- M Byerley, Very concerned local resident
- M.Mirza, prospective student
- Mack Simpson, Teacher
- Maddie, prospective student
- Maddie Pike, prospective student
- Maddy Fisher, University student
- Madeleine Bailey, Concerned member of the public
- Mahoney Goodman, Local resident
- Mahvish Malik, University student
- Maisie Rozzo, College student
- Majid Saber, Concerned member of the public
- Malcolm Searle, very concerned citizen
- Manuhor Ali, Parent of prospective student
- Marcus Lugg, local resident
- Margaret Cranmer, Local resident, retired U Cam staff
- Margaret Starkie, Local resident
- Margaux Emmanuel, student
- Maria Corpion, Local resident
- Maria Harvey, Cambridge University alumna
- Mariam Medley, Concerned member of the public
- Marine Mercier, Student
- Mario, prospective student
- Martin Thom, Local resident/alumnus
- Mark, Local resident
- Mark Armitage, Banker
- Mark Barrow, Student
- Mark Holtom, Concerned member of the public, born at 320ppm
- Mark O'Leary, Local resident
- Sir Mark Rylance, actor
- Dr Mark Skipper, Local resident
- Mark Steinhardt, Concerned member of the public
- Mark Stevens, Concerned member of public
- Mark Wingfield, Concerned member of the public
- Maron Burgess, visiting student
- Martha Rand, University student
- Martha Stringer, Concerned member of the public
- Martin Bainger, Concerned member of public
- Martin Mijuskovic, local resident
- Martin O'Leary, Concerned member of the public
- Martin Oldham, local resident
- Mary Enna de Soissons, Local resident
- Mary Laven, University professor
- Mary Light, Concerned member of the public
- Mary Taylor, very concerned local resident
- Mary Wilkie, local resident
- Maryam, University student
- Maryla Hart, Concerned citizen and MSc Sustainability Student at Anglia Ruskin
- Mathilda Hancock, Student
- Matt Dougherty, Affiliated Cambridge Lecturer
- Matt Cooper, Member of the public
- Matteo Manni, Concerned member of the public
- Matthew Allcock, Concerned member of the public
- Matthew Gaston, resident
- Matthew Mackintosh, prospective student
- Matthew Roberts, Local resident
- Matthias Schmelzer, economic historian
- Max Roko, Local resident
- Maximilian Bloomfield, Cambridge PhD student
- Maya Feinstein, Student
- Meg Watts, University of East Anglia student
- Megan Driver, Student
- Meike Leonard, student
- Meindert Boersma, University student
- Melanie Clarke, Concerned member of the public
- Melanie Herrmann, Former uni staff
- Melanie Telford, Member of the public
- Melinda Burleson, Concerned member of the public
- Melissa Jane, Cambridge alum and local resident
- Melissa Rainford, prospective student
- Menna Hyde, prospective student
- Meredith Kidby, member of the public
- Meredith Stanton, Earth Protector
- Mia Cristal Doerschner, Concerned Member Of The Public
- Mia Eldor-Levy, University undergraduate student
- Mia Jackson, student
- Michael Allen, Local resident
- Michael Cahn, Local resident
- Michael Clegg, Alumna and employee
- Michael Tierney, local resident
- Michael Warne, Public
- Michcala Holmes, I'm worried for all our children's future
- Michelle Markham, Concerned member of the public
- Mikaela Loach, Concerned member of the public / climate justice activist
- Mike Lorick, Concerned citizen
- Mike North, visitor
- Mikkeline Lykkesfeldt, University student
- Minna Hedges, Concerned member of the public
- Minna Kanerva, Researcher
- Mira Thurner, Concerned member of the global public
- Miriam Henson, University alumna
- Misha de Fockert, University member
- Moira Brown, Concerned member of the public
- Mollie Arbuthnot, Research fellow
- Molly, Concerned member of the public
- Mona Oommen, concerned ex-academic from Chicago
- Monica Bijok Hone, Environmental Campaigner
- Monty Jackson, member of the public
- Moritz Mihatsch, Cambridge Uni Lecturer
- Muhammed Assam, visitor
- Dr Mujahid Islam, alumnus
- N Landgraf, local resident, Uni Zoology Dept
- N Mejjati, Earth citizen
- Nadia Franchi, Concerned member of the public
- Nagautu Glenden, resident
- Nailah Kahman, prospective student
- Naima Clarvis, University student
- Naomi, Concerned member of the public
- Naomi Clark, Concerned member of public
- Naomi Message, University alumna and local resident
- Naomi Sinon, local resident
- Natalie Rehling, concerned member of public
- Nathan Laurent, Independent scholar
- Navya Kumar, Cambridge student
- Ned Evans, Member of the public
- Neil Cunningham, Local resident and employee of the University
- Neil Eckersley, retired
- Neil Howes, visitor
- Nichola Andersen, Concerned member of the public
- Nicholas Haralambous, Student
- Nicholas Skelton, Concerned member of the public and Cambs resident
- Dr Nick Duncan, University Alum
- Nick Hall, Concerned member of the public
- Nick Koenig, University of Cambridge student and human
- Nicki Myers, Concerned member of the public
- Nickovan Maveycult, local resident
- Nicola De Boo, Cambridge local resident
- Nicola Elliott, Alum and local resident
- Nicola Hallows, Concerned local NHS employee
- Nicola O'Brien, Concerned Grandparent
- Nicola O'Clarey, Concerned member of the public
- Nicolas Correa, Uni student
- Nicole Banas, member of public
- Nicole Phau, prospective student
- Nigel Wilkie, Concerned member of the public
- Nihhil Prabler, Prospective Student
- Nikhil Singh, Student
- Dr Nikki Tagg, Conservation Scientist
- Nina Harvie-Clark, Cambridge university student
- Nina Kent, concerned member of public
- Ning, Visitor
- Nuvesh Tiwapi, University employee
- Norah Rouffaert, prospective student
- Dr Norman Cobley, Local resident
- Nyombi Morris, Climate Activist
- O Flowers, University of Cambridge student
- O Young, local resident and University student
- Olive Nicholson, University of Cambridge student
- Oliver, University student
- Oliver Bullen, Concerned Member of the Public
- Oliver Habibi, Local resident
- Oliver Orgee-Gillman, public
- Oliver Swingler, Concerned member of the public
- Olivia Burgess, visiting student
- Olivia Cooke, visiting student
- Olivia MacDonald, Member of the public
- Ollie Clarke, prospective student
- Ollie Spillett, Local Resident
- Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò, Concerned member of the public
- Opal Hatswell, Concerned member of the public
- Orla Hill, University student
- Oscar Bray, Student
- Ottie Smith, citizen
- Owen A, prospective student
- Owen Robinson, University alum
- P. Hewlings, Resident
- P. Kumar, Prospective Student
- Pam Bellinger, Rational and informed member of the public
- Pam Norris
- Pamela, carer
- Parus Shah, concerned member of the public
- Patricia Downing, Public
- Patricia Gillman, member of public
- Patricia Roberts, Local resident
- Paul Bannerman, member of public
- Paul Bussell, Local resident of 28 years in Ely
- Paul Pearson, Concerned member of public
- Paul Raithby, Concerned public
- Paul Stephens, Concerned member of the public
- Paul Virgo, Concerned member of the public
- Pauline Harry, parent of prospective student
- Pauline Nolle, Concerned member of the public
- Pauline von Hellermann, Concerned member of the public
- Pauncet Dhawar, prospective student
- Pavel Lomonosov, student, Perse upper
- Peach Rose, Alum, Lucy Cavendish College
- Pedro Manuel Brito Mimoso Dos Reis, Key worker/Health care
- Penny Hall, Alumna
- Penny Kent, Concerned climate activist
- Penny Lyall, Concerned member of the public
- Penny Morris, University Alum
- Pete Hill, Resident and alum
- Dr. Peter Blencowe, Scientist and local resident
- Peter Briggs, Concerned customer
- Dr. Peter Kalmus, climate scientist
- Peter Corbett, Alumnus and local resident
- Peter Day, Concerned member of the public
- Peter Griffin, Local resident and Cambridge alumnus
- Peter Hague, local resident
- Peter Lauterbach
- Peter Marinker, Concerned member of the public
- Peter Maskell, concerned for the future of my 8 year old daughter
- Peter Morrow, Member of the public
- Peter Pope, Cambridge University alumnus
- Peter Shepherd, Concerned member of the public
- Peter Vince, Parent, alumnus (engineering), Cbg resident, concerned!
- Peter Westlake, Local resident
- Phil Labrum, Concerned member of the public
- Phil Skone, Concerned member of the public
- Philip Harris, concerned member of the public
- Philip Luther-Davies, Alum & local resident
- Philip Vann, local resident
- Phoebe Cowhig, University student
- Pimica Karyna, prospective student
- Pippa Macmillan, Local resident
- Polly Meeks, Concerned University alum and local resident
- Polly Waterfield, concerned member of the public
- Poppy Maxwell, Student
- Poppy Silk, Public
- Portia Rosenberg, Local resident
- Priyadaka Conway, Local resident
- R.A. HART, Concerned member of the public
- R Beard, parent of prospective student
- R. Brird, prospective student
- R Smith, PhD student in Antarctic Climate Change at Cambridge University
- Dr Rachael Kiddey, University staff
- Rachel Anderson, researcher
- Rachel Bailey, Concerned member of the public
- Rachel Bailey, University employee
- Rachel Cunningham, Concerned member of public
- Rachel Dunseith, Special needs teacher
- Rachel Edwards, Local resident
- Rachel Hare, member of public
- Rachel Myer, Embarrassed to be resident in such a hypocritical university town
- Rachel O'Leary, Alumna
- Rachel Payne, Concerned member of the public
- Rachel Quillen, Concerned member of the public
- Rebecca Rice, Member of public with an invested interest in the planet I live on
- Rachel Rogers, prospective student
- Rachel Smith-Lyte, Green Party District Councillor
- Rachel Whiteley, University student
- Radhika Sharma, Local resident & affiliate staff
- Rafela Fitzhugh, Teacher
- Rajatri Pandey, mother of prospective student
- Rakel Zetterlund, concerned visiting MSc student
- Raluca Diaconu, Local resident
- Randall Thomas, local resident
- Rebecca Calder, University student
- Raymond Byrnes-Harris, Concerned member of the public
- Rebecca Ackerman, Concerned member of public
- Rebecca Chapman
- Rebecca Clifford, Concerned member of the public with connections to Cambridge
- Rebecca Sweeney, concerned citizen
- Rebekah Treganna, Cambridge University student, Murray Edwards College
- Reece James, visiting student
- Reegan Robertson, Cambridge Uni student
- Renate, Concerned member of the public
- Rhiannon Osborne, Cambridge student
- Riccardo Marchesetti, Concerned member of public
- Richard, Public
- Richard Bartlett, Ex-staff of the University and concerned citizen
- Richard Ecclestone, Citizen
- Richard Hewlings, Local
- Richard Hill, Concerned member of public
- Richard Lyons, concerned member of the public
- Richard Nevile, Concerned member of the public
- Richard Neville, Concerned citizen
- Richard Warren, Cambridge Graduate (Corpus M76)
- Richard Wells, concerned member of the public
- Ricki Outis, Local employee
- Ricky Oates, Resident of Bedford
- Rio Worrall, visiting student
- Rion Cuthill, Student
- Rob Gardiner, Member of public
- Rob Uplinger, Public
- Robbie J, Concerned member of the public
- Robert Boyd, University student
- Robert Macfarlane, Professor in Environmental Humanities, Cambridge University
- Robert Gallacher, Student, Sidney Sussex, Cambridge
- Robert Possnett, Member of public
- Robert Turner, Member of the University
- Robin B. Boast, Alum, ex-Prof
- Robin Message, University alum
- Robin Shrimpton, Student
- Robyn Conolly, A young person whose life will be defined by climate breakdown.
- Rod Hart, Concerned member of the public
- Rodrigo Santamaría, Associate Professor
- Roisin, prospective student
- Roisin McMillan, University student
- Romaric Masson, concerned member of the public
- Ros Pears, University alum
- Rory Attwell, Masters Student
- Rosalind Amor, Concerned member of the public
- Rosalind Mackey, University undergraduate student
- Rosalind Phinney, citizen
- Rosanne Kenealy, Concerned member of the public
- Rosemary Bland, Concerned member of public
- Roshan Muppalla, prospective student
- Rosie, Concerned member of the public
- Rosie Litterick, Local resident
- Roux Beasley, UEA Environmental Sciences & International Development student
- Rowan Harris, mother of prospective student
- Rowan Williams, Former Archbishop of Canterbury and Master of Magdalene College (2013-2020)
- Rowan Ryrie, Alum
- Roy Whiston, Local resident
- Ruari McColl, Student
- Ruby Holley, Student
- Rukhsan Tasnuv, Cambridge student
- Rumana Hashem, Concerned member of the public
- Ruth, local resident
- Ruth Hazel Wood, Local resident
- Ruth Lanser, Part time Cambridgeshire local
- Ruth Schmid, Concerned member of public
- Ruth Speare, Concerned member of the public & previous resident of Cambridge
- Ruth Sweet, PhD, Concerned member of public
- Dr Ruth Williams, Academic
- Ruth Wood, Local resident
- Ryan Baguley, Student
- S Etkind, Local resident
- S. Huckler
- S Leadbetter, concerned member of the public
- S Page, local resident, retired U Cam staff
- S. Perera, Student
- S. Prime, concerned resident
- S. L. Butler, Student
- Dr. Sahanika Ratnayake, University alumna
- Sacha Besson, concerned member of the public
- Sadia Taiba, visitor
- Sally, Local Resident
- Sally Kershaw, Concerned member of the public
- Sam, Concerned member of the public
- Sam, Local resident
- Sam Child, Member of the public
- Sam Cousins, citizen
- Sam Goldstein, OAP
- Sam Riley, University student
- Saman Misnaoui, prospective student
- Samantha Bray, Concerned member of the public
- Samuel Hall, Local resident
- Samuel Miller McDonald, Writer & Editor
- Sandra Archer, concerned member of the public
- Sandra Cross, Concerned member of the public
- Sandra Elsworth, Concerned member of the public
- Sanjiv H.
- Saoirse Buxton, prospective student
- Sara, Concerned member of the public
- Sara Graziano, prospective student
- Sara Iddin, prospective student
- Sara Lightowlers, PhD student, Darwin college
- Sara Stillwell, JCR President 2012-2013, Girton College, Cambridge
- Sarah Baker, Local resident
- Sarah Bradley, University Student
- Sarah Caswell, Public
- Sarah Clayton, resident
- Sarah Douglas, concerned member of the public
- Sarah Dunham, citizen
- Sarah Durrant, Concerned citizen
- Sarah Gorton, XR Brighton
- Sarah Holmes, public
- Sarah Howden, Pembroke College Alum
- Sarah Lyst, Concerned member of the public
- Sarah Montgomery, Concerned member of the public
- Sarah Newton, Local resident
- Sarah Royston, University alumna
- Sarah Stickel, Concerned member of the public
- Sarah Swales, Concerned citizen
- Sarai Bisseling, Concerned member of the public
- Sarina Pandey, prospective student
- Sasha Smith, member of public
- Saskia Janssens, member of the public
- Saskia Thompson, prospective student
- Savannah Gaitley
- Savannah Phillips, Cambridge Student
- Seana-marie Famanas, Concerned member of the public
- Sebastian Fortineau, Local resident
- Seth, prospective student
- Seth Collin, Student
- Shannon Heath, Member of the public
- Sharon Lee-Frampton, Concerned member of the public
- Shaun Hague, Retired concerned member of public
- Shazia Jawaid, teacher
- Sheena Mooney, Local resident
- Sheila Woods, Concerned member of the public
- Shelley Saunders, beyond extremely concerned (for the future of our planet) member of the public
- Shimara H
- Shira, University student
- Shirley Pike, Concerned member of the public
- Shreya Patel, University of Cambridge undergraduate
- Syke Quin, visiting student
- Simon Barnett, member of the public
- Simon Berry, Member of public
- Simon Betson, Local
- Simon Everett, Local resident
- Simon Goode, Local resident
- Simon Johnson, Concerned individual
- Simon MacLardie, Community nurse and Unison member
- Simon Northcott, Peterborough resident
- Simon Sawyer, Local resident
- Simon Timmins, Student, University of Cambridge
- Simon Winterburn, Appalled member of the public
- Simone Wilkie, Concerned member of public and grandmother
- Sivan Halevi, Concerned mother
- Soba, Fonctionnaire
- Sofia Brainer Roman, prospective student
- Sofia Claverie, Concerned person
- Sophia Hallan, Concerned member of the public
- Sophie, Library assistant
- Sophie B, local resident caring about the environment
- Sophie Beckingham, University Student
- Sophie Ciurlik-Rittenbaum, XR UEA campaigner, Sustainability Society UEA treasurer and union council representative, incoming Environment Officer at UEA, Decolonise UEA campaigner
- Sophie Draper, Jesus College alumna and local resident for 8 years
- Sophie Dubillot, PhD student Cambridge
- Sophie Wiseman, Concerned member of the public
- Sowatey E., Student
- Stan Smith, construction worker
- Stefanie Priewasser, local resident
- Steffi Ullmann, Staff
- Stepan Golikov, Student
- Stephanie Cooper, PhD student, University of Cambridge
- Stephen Fernley, Citizen
- Stephen Foot, Chef
- Stephen Germeney, Resident
- Stephen Robird, prospective student
- Steve Blake, Concerned member of the public
- Steve Prior, Concerned member of the public
- Dr Stuart Capstick, Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Director, Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations, Cardiff University
- Stuart Middleton
- Stuart Reeve, Concerned member of public
- Subomi A-Alamu, Cambridge Student
- Sue Clarke, Concerned member of the public
- Sue Gyde, Concerned member of the public
- Sue Law, Concerned member of the public
- Sue Morgan, concerned member of the public
- Sue Ponton, Concerned member of the public
- Sue Thompson, Retired manager
- Suky Ridge, prospective student
- Sumi Hassanam, student, long time climate activist
- Susan Buckingham, concerned Cambridge/world resident
- Susan Bussell, Concerned resident in Ely
- Susan Mary Hampton, Concerned member of the public
- Susan Miller, Concerned member of the public
- Susan Rostas, local resident
- Susan Scott Hunt, Member of the public
- Susan Smart, Concerned member of public
- Susan Throssell, Concerned member of the public
- Suzie Webb, Cambridge business owner
- Svein Tveitdal, Director
- Dr Sylvia Davidson, Concerned member of the public
- Sylvia Godfrey, Concerned member of the public
- Sylvie Leggatt, University student (not Cambridge)
- T, Concerned member of the public
- T Burgess, prospective student
- T Nicholas, University of Cambridge staff
- Tabassum, University student
- Tabitha Dunthorne, Student
- Dr. Tadzio Mueller, Political Scientist and climate policy expert
- Tamara Lucas, parent of prospective student
- Tami, Academic
- Tamsin Blaxter, Fellow of Gonville & Caius
- Tania HW, Local resident
- Tansy Xue, prospective student
- Tanya G., Concerned member of the public
- Tara Carey, Concerned member of the public
- Tara Panesar, Cambridge Uni Student
- Dr Taylor, concerned member of the public
- Tejah Leah, University of Cambridge student
- Teresa Crickmar, Local resident
- Teri Wallace, local resident
- Thomas Blaseby, concerned citizen
- Thomas Cane, Prospective Student
- Thomas Heger, University Student
- Thomas Higgs, Alumnus
- Thomas Niblett, University undergraduate
- Thomas Sweeney, Student
- Tiffany Tsui, University student
- Tilly, prospective student
- Tilly Lioyd, prospective student
- Tim Lancaster, Local resident
- Tim M, Cambridge resident
- Timo Lindner, concerned member of the public
- Timofoi Lomonosov, student/model
- Tina Smith, Concerned member of the public
- Tina Teearu, Concerned member of the public
- Toby Darling, Cambridge resident
- Tom, prospective student
- Tom Casey, Concerned member of the public
- Tom Cooney, University student
- Tom Dorrington, University alum
- Tom Price, Local resident & University alum
- Tom Roberts, Student
- Dr Tom Williams, University alum
- Tommy Nyberg, Research Associate at the University
- Tony Galen, Concerned Member Of The Public
- Tony Baker, Climate activist
- Tony Booth, Local Resident
- Tony Warne, Resident
- Torin Menzies, Concerned member of the public
- Dr. Trevor Jones, ex-Cambridge resident
- Tristan Flasher, Concerned citizen
- Tristan Marshall, Local Cambridgeshire resident
- Dr Tristram Wyatt, University Alum (Jesus, 1975 BA and PhD in Zoology), Emeritus Fellow, Kellogg College, University of Oxford
- Tudor Georg, Concerned world citizen
- Tyla Rich, University student
- Tzeporah Berman, Chair Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative and International Program Director http://Stand.earth
- Upekshapriya, Buddhist Activist
- Ureakgah Anthithan, visitor
- Ursula Stubbings, Local resident
- Urte Karkliene, Alumni
- V. Crick, member of the public
- Valentina Recla, Local resident
- Valeria Scagliotti, King's College London alumn
- Vasiliki Papoutsi, Concerned member of the public
- Vedika Mandapati, University student
- Verity Curtis
- Verity Lancaster, Concerned member of the public
- Veronica Egan, Concerned member of public
- Vicki Chapman, Concerned Earth citizen
- Vicki Why, Psychologist
- Vicky Nicholls, Resident
- Vicky Wyer, Concerned citizen
- Victor Rodrigues Garcia, Post graduate Cambridge
- Victoria Barrett, Student
- Victoria Dawes, Concerned member of the public
- Victoria Goodman, University alum and local resident
- Vince Goodland, Concerned member of the public
- Violet, prospective student
- Virginia Layton, Work at Cambridge University Hospital, local concerned resident
- Vishnupriya Shaw, Concerned member of the public
- Viv Midie, Concerned member of public
- Vivien Goreing, Local resident
- Prof. Wendy Harcourt, Visitor
- Wilf Kieran, prospective student
- Will Adams, Retired
- Will Chapman, Concerned member of the public
- Will Davison, University Student
- Willens, prospective student
- William
- William Dawson, Concerned member of the public
- William Luscombe, A concerned human being
- William Schwartz, concerned local resident
- Wills Vall, prospective student
- Wira Surya Wibawa, Universitas Islam Kalimantan (Indonesia), Mahasiswa Fakultas hukum, Saya mendukung gerakan penyelamatan lingkungan
- Xavier Jacques, Concerned member of the public
- Y Auckland, Concerned local resident
- Yael Liebi-Finberg, Concerned citizen of Earth
- Yasemin Guardal, MPhil student
- Yelem, prospective student
- Yoga, Concerned member of the public
- Yuan Yan, University student
- Yudi Iskandar, student at Moslem University of Indonesia
- Yuya Ra, Member of public
- Yvonne Hansen, Concerned member of the public
- Zac Steventon-Barnes, IT technician
- Zak Coleman, Cambridge University Students' Union Undergraduate President
- Zara Heslop
- Zara Kesterton, Student
- Zareen Islam, Local Resident
- Zilan Dincer, prospective student
- Zora Webb, Resident
- Zoya Wadhawam, Prospective Student
Pour ajouter votre nom, merci de compléter notre formulaire ici.
Les sources
[1] Schlumberger Operations, https://www.slb.com/operations
[2] James Ball and Harry Davies, "Where there is oil and gas there is Schlumberger," https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/may/18/where-there-is-oil-and-gas-there-is-schlumberger
[3] Schlumberger Reports on Payments to Governments for the year ended 31 December 2020, https://www.slb.com/newsroom/press-release/2021/pr-2021-06-30-payments-to-governments-year-end-2020
[4] Reuters, "'Eye of fire': Gas leak sparks huge blaze on ocean surface off Mexico," https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/03/eye-of-fire-gas-leak-sparks-huge-blaze-on-ocean-surface-off-mexico
[5] Omar Oscar Ramírez, "RT Data Integration to Enable Enhanced Workflows for Better Drilling Performance and Events Avoidance," https://www.software.slb.com/-/media/software-media-items/software/documents/external/technical-presentations/wc/d1_5pm_341_ramirezamayo.pdf
[6] Dennis Denney, "Isolating Naturally Fractured Carbonate Intervals Invaded by Water or Gas," https://www.slb.com/-/media/files/stimulation/industry-article/201501-jpt-carbonate-mexico-ia
[7] Amnesty International report, "No clean up, no justice: Shell's oil pollution in the Niger Delta," https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2020/06/no-clean-up-no-justice-shell-oil-pollution-in-the-niger-delta/
[8] Schlumberger case study, "Lift IQ Service Improves ESP Uptime by 33.6%, Reducing Deferred Production for NAOC," https://www.slb.com/resource-library/case-study/al/lift-iq-naoc-nigeria-cs
[9] Amnesty International report, "Nigeria: Amnesty activists uncover serious negligence by oil giants Shell and Eni," https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2018/03/nigeria-amnesty-activists-uncover-serious-negligence-by-oil-giants-shell-and-eni/
[10] Schlumberger's connections to the University of Cambridge, https://xrcambridge.org/schlumberger/schlumberger-university-connections
[11] Professor Raymond E. Goldstein FRS, https://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/gold/
[12] Schlumberger Cambridge International Scholarship, https://www.cambridgetrust.org/scholarships/scholarship/?award=18
[13] HM Land Registry, Peterborough Office, "Title Number : CB52632," https://xrcambridge.org/RegisterPlanCB52632.pdf
[14] Summary for Policymakers of IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C approved by governments, https://www.ipcc.ch/2018/10/08/summary-for-policymakers-of-ipcc-special-report-on-global-warming-of-1-5c-approved-by-governments/
[15] Cambridge Zero story, https://www.cam.ac.uk/stories/cambridgezero
[16] Investing Doc, "Schlumberger: Acknowledging The Present, Eyes On The Future," https://archive.ph/7Gd5l
[17] Stop Ecocide International, "What is ecocide?" https://www.stopecocide.earth/what-is-ecocide
[18] Schlumberger Corporate Accountability, https://www.slb.com/who-we-are/guiding-principles/corporate-accountability/human-rights
[19] Maja Darlington, "Sacrifice zones: the places being destroyed by our toxic system – and the dangerous 'climate solutions' that could make them worse," https://www.greenpeace.org.uk/news/sacrifice-zones-geoengineering/
[20] Priyanka Raval, "Bristol activists spearhead the call for reparations for the legacy and current damage of slavery and colonialism," https://thebristolcable.org/2020/07/bristol-activists-spearhead-the-call-for-reparations/