Dear Dr Shuckburgh,
In recent days, George Monbiot and Mark Lynas have withdrawn as speakers in the Science Museum’s Climate Talks series because of the museum’s connections with BP and Equinor. We are writing to ask you to consider doing the same.
Sponsorship deals such as those that BP and Equinor hold with the Science Museum allow the fossil fuel companies to legitimise their extractive activities. As you will be aware, those activities are a major cause of the climate and ecological crisis we now find ourselves in. Recent UN analysis has shown that current governmental action is falling significantly short of what is needed in order to prevent a 1.5 degrees rise in temperature (1). In many parts of the world, people are already experiencing the severe consequences of climate breakdown. For example, sea level rise and extreme weather events in Bangladesh are leading to illness, displacement and death for millions of people (2). Meanwhile, BP and Equinor continue to explore and create more oil and gas extraction sites, investing a much smaller proportion of their capital in renewables (3).
The extent of the Science Museum’s participation in the promotion of BP’s brand became clear recently. Through an FOI request, Culture Unstained obtained email records between the Director of the Science Museum and a BP employee showing that the former was actively working to counter negative publicity directed toward BP (4). While other arts, cultural and academic institutions are increasingly refusing to take money from the oil industry, the Science Museum appears to be doubling down on its support.
The Science Museum’s decision to hold the Climate Talks series while actively engaging in the legitimation of the oil industry is worse than hypocrisy - it is helping to sustain the very social license that allows these corporations to continue profiting from a global crisis. Any honest conversation about the climate and ecological crisis would necessarily involve a frank discussion of the harm being done by extractivism, and in particular, the growing impacts on frontline and indigenous communities. Will such a discussion be possible in an institution that has so openly aligned itself with the interests of the oil industry?
The same could be said of the University of Cambridge, which while housing ‘Cambridge Zero’ continues to have financial, social and academic ties with fossil fuel companies. We are asking you to send a strong signal that this needs to change. As the University begins to recognise the destructive nature of fossil fuel investments, we urge Cambridge Zero to lead the way in cutting other ties with destructive industries.
As both Monbiot and Lynas have observed, the presence of high-profile figures such as yourself at the Science Museum Group’s Climate Talks serves to shore up the profile and perceived green credentials of the connected corporations (5). As a Cambridge academic with extensive experience in the field, and as the director of Cambridge Zero, you hold significant social and intellectual capital. We request that you consider withdrawing from Science Museum events until they have committed to cutting all ties with fossil fuel companies.
Yours Sincerely,
The Undersigned
To add your group or individual signature to this letter, please follow this link: Sign this letter
Withdrawn Climate Talks panellists
- George Monbiot, Journalist and Activist
- Mark Lynas, Climate Writer and Activist
Groups & Organisations
- BP or not BP?
- Cambridge Friends of the Earth
- Cambridge People’s Assembly Against Austerity
- Cambridge SU Ethical Affairs Campaign
- Cambridge Zero Carbon Society
- Clare Divestment Campaign
- Culture Unstained
- Divest East Sussex
- Eco Action Families
- Eco Action Families Brighton & Hove
- Eco-Ed Eastbourne
- Feral X
- Flamingo Affinity Group - Extinction Rebellion
- Fossil Fuel Divest Harvard
- Frack Free Sussex
- Jesus College Climate Justice Society
- Money Rebellion
- Oxford Climate Justice Campaign
- Pembroke Climate Justice Campaign
- People & Planet
- Save York Gardens
- Scientists for Extinction Rebellion
- Trinity Alumni for Divestment
- Trinity Responsible Investment Society
- XR Cambridge
- XR Cambridge Universities
- XR Cheltenham
- XR Ely
- XR King’s Lynn & West Norfolk
- XR Newcastle Universities
- XR Youth Cambridge
- XR Youth UK
- Adam Leonard, Cambridge resident
- Dr Alaric Hall, University of Leeds academic staff and Cambridge ASNC alumnus
- Alex Haydn-Williams, Jesus College, Undergraduate
- Alex Sidney, Norwich Resident
- Alice Courvoisier, Cambridge University & Darwin College alum
- Alice Hehir, Cambridge Resident, University Alumnus
- Alicia Cash, Cambridge student
- Amelia Halls, Former Cambridge University Employee
- Amelie Plaistow, Cambridge Resident
- Amy Bowles, University Alum
- Andrew Zolnai, Cambridge Resident
- Andrew Zurcher, Fellow, Queens’ College, Cambridge
- Anne White, Registered Nurse & Cambridge Resident
- Anthony Fort, University alum
- Anthony Oliver, Former Development Director, New Hall,/climate concerned
- Ben Comeau, Alumnus and former employee of the Music Faculty
- Ben Gibson, University Undergraduate
- Ben James, Cambridge Student
- Bill McKibben, Founder,
- Bruno Truben, Cambridge Student
- Caroline Amory, Cambridge resident
- Cathy Eastburn, Trinity College Alumna
- Charlie Abbott, Cambridge Student
- Chris Court-Dobson, Former Cambridge Resident
- Chris Ford, Cambridge resident
- Christina Hespe, Sheffield resident, University of Durham alumna
- Christopher Burlinson, Cambridge University Academic Staff
- Clara Paillard, PCS Union Culture Group President
- Clément Mouhot, Cambridge University Academic Staff
- Connor Newson
- Corinna Russell, University of Cambridge staff
- Dane Rogers, DPhil in statistics, Merton College Oxford, Non-stipendiary lecturer in statistics St Hilda's College Oxford, 2017-2019
- Dave Fox, Cambridge resident, Christ’s alumnus
- David Carter, Cambridge PhD alumnus, employee at Cambridge research lab
- David Crookall, Retired university professor
- David G Ashton, University alumnus
- David Hillman, Cambridge University Academic Staff
- David Inward, Cambridge visitor and shopper
- David McKenney, Cambridge Resident
- Deborah Thom, Cambridge resident and alum
- Derek Langley, Cambridge Resident
- Dharmacharini Suryamani Layton, Cambridge resident
- Diner Ismail, Cambridge Resident
- Donald Bell, Cambridge resident
- Drasko Kascelan, Cambridge Alum
- Dunstan Roberts, Bye-fellow, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge
- Elena, Cambridge Resident
- Elena Doran, Cambridge University Student
- Elena Moses, Cambridge Resident
- Eliza Haughton-Shaw, Cambridge University Student
- Elo Wilkinson-Rowe, University Undergraduate
- Emily Ashton, Cambridge University Alumna
- Emily Beatty, Current Student
- Emily Cockayne, University Alumna
- Emily Pieters, Cambridge Resident
- Emily Winslow Stark, Cambridge University
- Eoghan Butler, Cambridge Undergraduate
- Erik Sandström, PhD Student ETH Zürich
- Eva Novotny, Cambridge resident, retired from University of Cambridge
- Finlay Cox, Resident of Cambridge
- Fiona Musto-King, Cambridge resident
- Flora Palfrey, Cambridge Resident and Student
- Flora Sheldon, Cambridge University alumna and Cambridge resident
- Francesca Raphaely Ingold, Cambridge alumna and resident, parent
- Dr. Franziska Elmer, Marine Biologist not affiliated with Cambridge
- Gabriel Carlyle, Fossil Free Hastings
- Geoff Shellswell, Cambridge alumnus
- Gina Plant Cabrita, Cambridge University Alum
- Grace Blackshaw, Cambridge University Student
- Councillor Grace Hadley, Cambridge University alum, Councillor for Cambridge City Council,, employee of the University of Cambridge
- Hannah Charlotte Copley, Cambridge Postgraduate Student and Staff Member
- Helen Boddy, University Alum
- Helen Mulligan, Cambridge resident and University alum
- Hero Chalmers, Fellow of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge
- Hilary Cox Condron, Mother, artist, Cambridge resident.
- Hilary Price, Cambridge Resident
- Hillary Taylor, Cambridge University Academic Staff
- Dr Hooda Abdullah, Cambridge Resident
- Dr Ian Patterson, Fellow of a Cambridge College
- Issias Yohanes, Ecological designer, Architect, Anthropologist
- Issy Kaufman, Cambridge Resident
- Jacky Sutton-Adam, Director The Cambridge Cheese Company
- Jake Randall, Concerned Citizen
- James Miller, Cambridge University student
- Jamie Goodland, Cambridgeshire Resident, Trinity Alumnus
- Jane Carpenter, Cambridge Resident
- Jane Goodland, Cambridgeshire Resident, Trinity Alumna, Corpus Christi
- Postgraduate, Teacher of Maths
- Janet Nanor, Cambridge resident
- Jason Scott-Warren, Cambridge University Academic Staff
- Jed Quinn, Cambridge student
- Jennifer McCarthy, Ipswich Resident, Volunteering in conservation and food waste reduction roles
- Jenny Langley, Grandmother, Cambridge Resident and University Alumna
- Jeremy Caddick, Dean, Emmanuel College & Member of Cambridge Green Party
- Jeremy Peters, Cambridge Resident
- Jess Agar, Cambridge Resident
- Jess Hoskins, Cambridge University Undergraduate
- Jo Hindley, Former Cambridge Resident
- Joanna Bellis, Cambridge academic and alum
- Joe McGee, Cambridge resident
- Joe Smallman, Cambridge student
- John Duncan, Concerned Citizen
- Jonathan Milliken, Forest Gardener, vegan permaculturist
- Jonny Venvell, Cambridge University Alumnus
- Joshua Harris, University alum
- Dr Julia Spindel, Postdoctoral Researcher, University Alum
- Dr Julie Milton, University alumna
- Julie Wakefield, University alum
- Julie Wyard, Cambridge resident
- Juliet West, University alum
- Karen Wilson, Concerned Citizen
- Karol Florek, Cambridge Resident
- Karris McGonigle, Undergraduate, Jesus College
- Kate Brockie, Postgraduate Student, University of Cambridge
- Katherine Halsall, Queens’ JCR member
- Kay Goodridge, Cambridge Resident
- Kefeshe Bernard, Jesus College Student
- Kezhe Temir, Cambridge University Student
- Kim Ashton, Bye-fellow, Fitzwilliam College
- Kit Westlake, Cambridge resident, Cambridge Greenpeace social media lead
- Laura McMahon, Cambridge University Academic Staff
- Dr Lesley Holly, Cambridge resident
- Lesley Marshall, Ex Cambridge resident
- Linda Richardson, Cambridgeshire Resident
- Lou Lancaster, Cambridge resident
- Louise Gilchrist, University alumnx
- Lucy Coomes, Cambridge Student
- Lynda Burchell, Psychologist
- Madeleine Anderson, Student
- Mahoney Goodman, Cambridge Resident
- Professor Manucha Lisboa, University of Cambridge academic
- Marcel Llavero Pasquina, University of Cambridge Alumnus, Girton (2021)
- Marcus Lugg, Cambridge Resident
- Dr Martin Thom, Cambridge resident and University alumnus
- Mary Enna de Soissons, Cambridge resident, technical author
- Mary Laven, Cambridge University Academic Staff
- Maryam Safe, Art curator, Anthropologist, Climate activist
- Matilda Sidel, Cambridge Student
- Maximilian Bloomfield, Cambridge University Postgraduate
- Michael Hrebeniak, Fellow of Wolfson College
- Michael Lomotey FRSA
- Mike Oliver, University alum
- Nathaniel Cooke, Cambridge University Student
- Nicola Hallows, Cambridgeshire Resident
- Nicholas Skelton, Resident
- Nicki Myers, Cambridge Resident
- Nicola Elliott, University alum & Cambridge resident
- Nina Ashton, Cambridge University alumna
- Nuala King, Cambridge resident
- Patricia Boulhosa, Honorary Research Associate
- Patricia O’Brien, Former Cambridge University employee
- Peach Rose, Cambridge University Alum
- Penelope Oliver
- Dr Philip Knox, University Lecturer, Faculty of English
- Penelope Oliver, Concerned Citizen
- Peter Griffin, PhD, Cantab (Darwin) and Cambridge resident
- Philippa (Padmacandra) Meek, ARU alum
- Polly Richards, Cambridge Alum
- Portia Rosenberg, Cambridge resident
- Priyamvada Gopal, Cambridge University academic staff
- Priyanka, Cambridge Student
- Rachel Aucott, University of Cambridge employee
- Rachel Brown, University Alum
- Rad Sharma, Cambridge resident + University affiliate staff
- Rae Morris, Cambridge undergraduate, member of the Queens’ JCR
- Dr Raluca Diaconu, Cambridge University alumna and Cambridge resident
- Rasha Rezk, Cambridge UCU VP
- Rebecca Fleming, University Employee and Cambridge Resident
- Rick Cullen, Uni alum
- Robert Shippey, Concerned Citizen
- Dr Robin Message, Cambridge alum
- Rod Hart, Cambridgeshire resident
- Dr Rowan Williams, Honorary Fellow, Magdalene College
- Sally Boss, Teaching Fellow
- Sarah Douglas, Cambridgeshire Resident
- Sarai Bisseling, Cambridge resident
- Scott Archer-Nicholls, University of Cambridge academic staff
- Severn Whittingham, Cambridge resident
- Dr Shamira Meghani, Cambridge University academic staff
- Shaun Vickers, Cambridge student
- Sol Setra, Cambridge Resident
- Sophie Draper, Jesus alumna and 8 years Cambridge resident
- Stephanie Adetola Onamade, Former Science Museum exhibitor
- Stephanie Mawson, JRF, University of Cambridge
- Subha Mukherji, University of Cambridge Academic Staff
- Susan Daruvala, Cambridge University Academic Staff
- Tara Khanna, Cambridge University Student
- Ted Tregear, Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
- Tim Lancaster, Cambridgeshire resident
- Toby Newey, Cambridge Resident
- Tolmeia Gregory, Artist and Activist
- Tom Dorrington, Cambridge Resident & University Alum
- Tony Eva, Founder, Cambridge Climate Lecture Series
- Tony Warne, Cambridge resident
- Tungsten Tang, Cambridge University student
- Valeria Scagliotti, Researcher at King’s College London, Extinction Rebellion Scientist
- Valerie Richards, Cambridge Alumna & Cambridge Resident
- Verner Viisainen, PhD Student, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
- Victoria Goodman, Cambridge Theological Federation student
- William Hale, Cambridge University Employee
- Xuefei Wu, Cambridge Student
- Zac Lumley, Undergraduate biologist
- Zak Coleman, Cambridge Undergraduate
- Zannah Lindley, Cambridge Student
- Zareen Islam, Cambridge Resident
- Zoe Cohen, Director, Shine Coaching and Consultancy
- Zoë Svendsen, Cambridge University Academic Staff
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